From the car park at the beat 2 fishing hut, on the left bank, you can walk up river to the uppermost pool on the beat, the Glebe.

The Glebe fishes well from either bank and is a productive pool at all river heights. The 2011 Morison Trophy for the heaviest fish caught by fly on the river Deveron was awarded to an angler with a 26 pounder from this pool.
Upper and Lower Loggs
These pools are on a major bend in the river and hold lots of fish in their deep waters. Favourite pools for local knowledgeable anglers!
Sheep's Haugh
Sheep's Haugh lies in front of the Beat 2 fishing hut. This long stream is very productive and has yieded two Morison Trophy winners including a 30 pounder in 2015.
Lum Pot
Lum Pot is an interesting pool lying behind an island, which creates several lies as the two currents converge.
There are several small pools downriver from Lum Pot on this beat which rarely hold resident fish, but which offer some excellent brown trout sport.