These two beats have been fished together since 2016. Waterside Lodge is sited near the top of the beat opposite the Garden Pool.
Golden Triangle and Garden Pool
From Waterside Lodge take the short walk to the fishing hut and walk upstream about 60 metres to the upper part of the long Garden pool, referred to as the Golden Triangle, named after three easily identifiable large rocks. This is single bank fishing from the left bank. Fish through the Golden Triangle and continue fishing through the main Garden Pool. Both pools fish very easily from the left bank and are ideal for novice anglers.

This is a deceptive pool where running fish can be caught as they pause in the deeper lies.
Boat Pool
This is less easy to fish from the left bank as it lies on a right hand bend of the river. It is a very deep holding pool however and has yielded some big fish, including a massive cock fish in 2012 estimated around 40 lbs.
Ardmiddle Stream
As its name suggests this small pool marks the boundary with the Ardmiddle beat, so from now on we fish both banks. The Ardmiddle stream is a lovely sea trout pool which will also hold salmon in high water.
Saddle Rock
Saddle rock is named after the two rocks which rise above the surface in the shape of a saddle. A good salmon holding pool which fishes from both banks, but more easily from the right bank.
A very deep holding pool on a right hand bend in the river. Again, it fishes from either bank but more easily from the right bank. This pool holds fish throughout the season.
House Pool
An island in mid river splits the flow at the House pool, which fishes best from the right bank. Quite a short pool but well worth a cast when fish are moving.
Waterings is a famous sea trout pool which lies at the head of the deep Hut pool. Good also for salmon.
Hut Pool
As the name suggests, the Ardmiddle fishing hut overlooks this pool. The top part fishes from either bank but can be fished further downstream from the left bank.
Back of Island and Peninsula
These pools are famous for sea trout and salmon. The island is a less well named pool nowadays as a huge spate in 2009 dramatically reduced the flow round the island! The pools can be fished continuously from the right bank and fish well at most river heights.
March Pool
As the name suggests this pool marks the boundary with our downstream neighbours. Quite a long walk is required to reach this pool but the rewards make the effort well worthwhile.